Diet After Wisdom Teeth - Attleboro Falls, MA
What foods can I eat after having my wisdom teeth removed?
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Following the extraction of wisdom teeth, it is important to avoid eating crunchy, spicy, or difficult-to-chew foods. Such foods can cause increased pain or prevent healing. However, It is not necessary to resign yourself to eating one or two types of food as some people do. People who only eat milkshakes and/or ice cream for a long period of time after having their wisdom teeth extracted may find the excess sugar unpleasant and be less likely to eat them in the future. Here are some eating suggestions for the first 1-2 weeks after your wisdom teeth are removed, based on my experience with this.
If you are experiencing prolonged pain after a wisdom tooth extraction, you may have a dry socket. Learn about the clove oil home remedy and contact us today to see how we can help!
Some foods which normally seem soft, such as macaroni and cheese, can still be difficult to eat if they are somewhat chewy. This especially applies to the first few days after the procedure. Overcooking the pasta to make it very soft will alleviate this problem. Also, avoid acidic foods and foods which require opening your mouth wide. Acidic foods may cause stinging in the part(s) of your mouth where the wisdom teeth were located. Several other suggestions for the first few days:
- Pancakes
- Scrambled Eggs
- Fish
- Pasta
- Apple Sauce
- Canned Fruit
- Yogurt
- Cottage Cheese
- Beans
While these are useful suggestions, you may be able to eat more or less types of food depending upon the severity of your wisdom teeth extraction. Be sure to read all instructions provided to you and ask the dentist who performed the extraction about any questions you may have.
These are very easy to eat/drink and are a good choice for immediately after the teeth are extracted. I recommend adding a meal replacement powder or packet (GNC protein mix, Carnation Instant Breakfast, etc.). Be careful not to use a straw, as this is dangerous for a period of time after wisdom teeth extraction. If ordering these from a fast food restaurant, ask for a spoon instead. You can also use Instant Breakfast packets.
Fresh or frozen fruit, mixed with some yogurt and ice make a healthy, cold, and nutritious drink. Adding protein powder or other additives may increase the nutritional value.
Soft-serve ice cream is preferable, especially for the first couple days after the procedure, and cones should be avoided. The ice cream (Frosty) at Wendy’s fast food restaurants should be considered, as it is provided in a cup with a spoon.
Many soups have chunks of vegetables or meat which are too large, but some are acceptable. Two of the better soups to eat after this procedure (you should probably wait a few days before eating any soup) are chicken noodle and cream of celery.
Gauge your return to normal foods by how your mouth feels. If it is hard to chew, don’t push yourself, but continue to eat soft foods until you can comfortably handle normal food. And be sure that you get adequate nutrition. Make sure your diet includes protein and vitamin C.
Here are some of our recipes that can help keep children, teens, and adults nourish after having their wisdom teeth removed.
- 1 banana
- I C. plain or vanilla yogurt
- 1/2 C. fresh/frozen
strawberries - 1 C. orange juice
- 1/4 C. soy protein powder
Instructions: Add all ingredients to blender and mix.
- 4 C. water
- 2 C. shredded cooked chicken/turkey
- 2 C. chicken stock
- 2 C. cooked rice
- 1 C. diced celery
- 1 C. diced carrots
- Salt and pepper to taste
Instructions: Add all ingredients to pot and cook on low heat for three to eight hours.
- 2 Russet potatoes
- 1/4 t. garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh minced garlic
- 1/4 C. cheddar cheese
- 1/8 C. sour cream
- 1/8 C. protein powder
- 1/4 C. milk
- 1/8 C. chives or green onions
- Salt and pepper to taste
Instructions: Boil and mash potatoes. Add remaining ingredients and mix until creamy.